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Praying for Englewood

As I am writing this blog I am excited, you may ask why? The reason for my excitement is because Kingdom Mandate will be hitting the streets in our new location! This Saturday we will have prayer in the neighborhood. I believe that it’s time for the church to do more then march and have press conferences, don’t get me wrong those things are fine in there proper place and time but there comes a time when you have to raise the standard. We can say all day that we love our communities but what are we doing to so them that we love them. I don’t know about you but I am tired of hearing broken promises from government officials about our communities! I’m tired of the murders, rapes, gangs, prostitution and drugs plaguing are communities. That same power that we have inside the church building Kingdom Mandate is going to demonstrate that power to the community, Englewood is going to know that we love them enough to pray with and know that we serve a God that loves them even more. Our team is pumped about this evangelism event. So I pray that you will keep us in your prayer as we go forth this Saturday. We are praying that God will show Himself strong in  our community.

II Chronicles 7:14 and 15 states… if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 15. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place

Guess Who’s Back!?

KMM logo

 I’m excited to announce that Kingdom Mandate Ministries is BACK!! And I am even more excited this time around. We are in a new building in a new territory and we can’t wait to hit the streets!  August 20th we launched out with our monthly worship services and the turn out was nothing less remarkable. The presence of God filled the room the moment we opened up in prayer. Kingdom Mandate is embarking on something great and we will not forfeit the assignment that God has called us to fulfill.

 I am excited to announce that we will be back in our monthly worship service Tuesday Sept. 17th at 6:30p.m. at 5429 S. Ashland. Trust me you do not want to miss this gathering! I am so proud to say that I LOVE MY CHURCH!!

Great Boldness!!

This is a message that I preached on the Men of Valor Conference Call.

There was such a outpour of God’s spirit on Tuesday night. Make sure to join us 9/17 for the next one. At New Rhema Harvest 5429 S. Ashland at 6:30p.

He was a guest speaker at Christian Fellowship Refuge Ministries. God is really speaking through the man of God check it out.

I know that it has been awhile since I have written a blog and I usually write one when I feel God leading me to. But God has been speaking to me concerning somethings and you will hear more from Mandate Sounds more often. This blog is meant to encourage those who have been going through, those that have been wanting to give up and throw in the towel! Today I want to encourage you and let you know that your breakthrough is on it’s way and victory is right at your door! You are at the breaking point of something great! In order to get to that place you must praise until something happens! One of the things that I have noticed in the Body of Christ is that we have become so quick to give up, we have lost our fight! We have allowed recession and depression to steal our joy. We come to church with our face turned up and looking sour but today I want you to know that it’s not time to give up but your fight has just begun.

You might say “That your tired of fighting and that you can’t fight any more” and I understand that maybe it’s time to change your weapon! Maybe what you have been doing and the weapon that you have been using has become dull and useless. There is one weapon that will never lose it edge, this weapon guarantees victory everytime it’s used and it’s your PRAISE!!! There are two scriptures that I want you to read, Acts16:25 & 26 and Joshua 6:15-17. Both of these have to totally different problems but they both have the same solution… Their praise gave them the victory! Today I want you to remember no matter what is going on, you can praise your way through. The bible clearly states that God inhabits the praises of His people which means when you praise God Himself takes ownership of that praise and what’s His no one or nothing can take away.

Don’t let your praise die and loose the battle Today I speak life to your spirit man and call forth the true praise to come forth, I call forth rivers of living water to spring forth and I say today that you will trade in the spirit of heaviness for the garment of praise in Jesus name. Amen.

This past Sunday Kingdom Mandate Ministries took our worship out of the four walls and took it to the streets! We evangelized in the Brainard/Longwood area and I must say that it was amazing! We went from door to door sharing the love of Christ and letting them know that Kingdom Mandate was in the community. The response we received was great, people opened their homes to us and people even wanted prayer right there on the street! The people were amazed that a church stopped their regular scheduled program and came out just to minister to them. We were told that we are a breath of fresh air. I want to employ every Pastor, Apostle, Prophet, Teacher and Evangelist I employ to take your ministry into the community that your church is located in. Please get to know those that live in the area  go and show yourself friendly. Trust me you never know you lives in that commmunity and you never know effective your minstry is until you take into the neighborhood.

There are souls out there that need to be “Saved and Set Free” and if you think that they are just going to come in right off the street some might but the majority will not. So it is our (The church’s)job to go and tell about them about a man that can heal every disease, a man that provide for every need, that man is named Jesus! Men and Women of God do not be afraid to come out of the four walls  and take your ministry and calling to the street. Trust me there is a generation that needs your gifts and calling, they need to hear your testimony so they can also be set free and delivered. Evangelism is not just for the Evangelist it’s for the church as a whole. So let’s go and get the souls! If you would like to help or join Kingdom Mandate as we go and spread the Word about Jesus please contact us via email at or visit us on Facebook Be blessed people of God

Hour of Power

Since Monday June 4, 20212 Kingdom Mandate has been posturing ourselves in prayer every Monday night for the month of June. And I must say that because of this we have seen lives changed, Each Monday we gather on the conference line and have a guest intercessor pray on the behalf of our nation, our government and the church. Not only is there intercession but prophetic ministry has taking place during these calls. This Hour of Power has produced some awesome testimonies and not to mention the international connections we have encounter. Prayer has the ability and power to change any and everything around us. We are excited about what God is going to do during this time of prayer. If you want to see things change, then get into prayer. Do you want to see lives changed and impacted then go forth in prayer, prayer is the tool that allows God to move on our behalf concerning any matter. Please make time to join us every Monday for the month of June at 7p.m. CST and pray with us call in at (605) 477-3000 access code 301107# See you on the line!

As an emerging apostolic leader in Chicago I’ve come across to what seems to be “The Decade of The Apostle” The reason why I say this is because over the last ten years I have seen more Apostles rising up then any other of the five fold gifts.Is this a bad thing? No it’s not! But some of the motives are. When it come to the apostolic I have been very vexed and any true Apostle should be vexed as well. I have seen so much carnal thinking when it comes to the office of the Apostle. Let me start by tearing down this paradigm, there is no such thing as a “Chief Apostle” for those of you that call yourself that GO AND REPENT NOW!!! The bible clearly states in Eph. 4:11 Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. No where do you see where Jesus sent Chief Apostles! I believe that this is a plot of the enemy to keep men and their ministries from being covered any ministry that is uncovered is prey to the plans of hell. And whoever calls themselves “Chief Apostle” has a spirit of pride and arrogance and needs to be cast out immediately!

Another thing about that apostolic that vexed me is the term “Apostle Elect” again where can you find that in scripture? Don’t worry I’ll wait! Bottom line is this, Apostles, Prophets, Teachers etc. or not voted or elected in truth is God has called and ordained you to be who you are way before you were born. And I know that many are going to defend this by saying that the Apostles voted Matthias to be an Apostle. But let me say this that Judas forfeited his position and the apostles didn’t want another Judas in the camp so they discussed and invited Matthias to be an Apostle not an “Apostle Elect” since we are on this let me say that Matthias’ character allowed him to be invited to be an Apostle. Your character has to line up with you calling!

Apostles are builders, pioneers, they are Fathers, and they are sent to establish. They are not here to start 40 different networks. We must get back to the original plan and purpose of the ministry gifts. This blog is not to say if anyone is called to be an Apostle or not but merely to call you higher and help you fulfill your mandate here on the earth. As Apostles we have the ability to turn the world upside down, we have the ability to ignite passion into the hearts of every believer, we have the ability to change generations and raise up sons and daughters and not just church goers. We are mandated by the Kingdom of God to blaze the trail for our Lord through our preaching and teaching! Let the true Apostles stand up!

On this past Thursday we began a new series entitled “The Rules of Engagement”. This series is being taught from the book by Dr. Cindy Trimm. And let me say that if you do not have this book then I suggest that you go and get it! This book teaches us how to have a more accurate and effective prayer life. Thursday Prophetess Latracia Evans took us through the intro for the class and WOW the revelation that came from her really had me thinking about how shallow my prayers have been. As we went through the introduction of /lesson it was taught that we must know and understand our position in the Kingdom. For so long we go to God in prayer like slaves asking for a meal! But God wants us to be confident in who we are in Him. When we pray we must look like Jesus and we must talk like Him as well. Pray is not just to ask God for the things that we want and need but prayer is the tool used to pull on the agenda of heaven for our lives. God wants to change your stance in the realm of prayer from a slave into a general in His army! It’s time to come up higher in you prayer life! As we continue to go through this book I will be posting some prayer insights and strategies in the blogs to come.